
Posts Tagged ‘Prof. Jan Ottosson’

IPCC advocates nuclear power to reduce greenhouse effect by Human CO2 impact

Today November 11, 2014 the cards of IPCC finally is up on the table – and from Swedish Professors who continue to believe in AWG and Climate Change…..

The professors a sad case. That they manage to place the real reason why IPCC and others were fooled to believe in a CO2-threat that doesn’t exist , well that’s good.
B.t.w. why didn’t the funding companies and organization behind the false information give the true reason – or is it only a few who been told why that’s the real reason…..

IPCC förordar kärnkraft för att minska utsläppen, Prof. Ane Håkansson, Prof. Jan Ottosson, Fil. Dr Staffan Qvist, Fil.Dr Sophie Graphe, Tekn. Dr Carl Hellesen, Tekn. dr. Mattias Lantz, Prof Stephan Pomp; SvD Brännpunkt 11 november 2014 Btw. they are part in the case….

Most of them are working at Uppsala University Inst. Physics and Astronomy, tillämpad Fysik…..
and Prof Ane Håkansson has been working close to Nordic Academy for Nuclear Safety and Security (NANSS) NANSS Seminar June 10.11.2013

Now we know WHY but we still haven’t found the full answer to the big question: Where have all the money gone?

Antarctic sea ice extent September 19 2014 Larger than ever observed before

Antarctic sea ice extent September 19 2014
Larger than ever observed before

Sea Ice Extent 15 oktober 2014 Istäcke Arktis oktober 15, 2014. följ röda linjen i mitten

Sea Ice Extent 15 oktober 2014
Istäcke Arktis oktober 15, 2014. följ röda linjen i mitten

Watts Up With That?

One of the greatest inanities that occurs in the climate wars is the claim that skeptics are lavishly funded by ”big oil” or other political interests. t is a claim that is made multiple times daily and blogs and newspaper articles and magazine articles and yet where is the evidence that such a thing is a reality?

I’m often targeted as being in the pay of one of those interest and yet when you look at my reality I had to beg for help to get to Bristol, to visit the Mann and Cook lectures. I relied on the good graces of our daily readers for which I thank you.

So with this huge disparity it struck me as ironic that this ad appeared at the top of WUWT today. It likely appeared because I’m traveling and came from a new IP address. I had never seen it before but…

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